Source code for pycellfit.constrained_circle_fit

""" Constrained Circle Fit. Fit points to a circular arc when the two end points are fixed."""

# Optimal Arc When Two Points Are Known

import math
import random

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize

from pycellfit.circle_fit_helpers import a0, a1, a2, b0, b1, b2, distance

[docs]def r(point_a, point_p, alpha, beta, t): """ calculate radius of circle :param point_a: :param point_p: :param alpha: :param beta: :param t: :return: """ xa, ya = point_a xp, yp = point_p return math.sqrt((xa - (xp + alpha * t)) ** 2 + (ya - (yp + beta * t)) ** 2)
[docs]def f(ans, x, y, point_a, point_p): """ cost function that needs to be minimized See (page 9) :param ans: :param x: :param y: :param point_a: :param point_p: :return: """ t, alpha, beta = ans numerator = (a0(point_a, point_p, x, y) + a1(point_a, point_p, alpha, beta, x, y) * t + a2(point_a, alpha, beta, x, y) * t ** 2) denominator = b0(point_a, point_p) + b1(point_a, point_p, alpha, beta) * t + b2() * t ** 2 return numerator / denominator
[docs]def t_alpha_beta_to_center_radius(ans, point_a, point_p): """ converts from parametric form (t, alpha, beta) to standard form (radius, center) :param ans: :param point_a: :param point_p: :return: """ t, alpha, beta = ans xp, yp = point_p xc = xp + alpha * t yc = yp + beta * t radius = r(point_a, point_p, alpha, beta, t) return xc, yc, radius
[docs]def center_point_to_t_alpha_beta(center, point_p): """ converts from standard form (center, point on circle) to parametric form (t, alpha, beta) :param center: :param point_p: :return: """ xp, yp = point_p xc, yc = center # solved this in mathematica t = (-xc + xp) / math.sqrt( (xc ** 2 - 2 * xc * xp + xp ** 2) / (xc ** 2 - 2 * xc * xp + xp ** 2 + yc ** 2 - 2 * yc * yp + yp ** 2)) alpha = -math.sqrt( ((xc ** 2 - 2 * xc * xp + xp ** 2) / (xc ** 2 - 2 * xc * xp + xp ** 2 + yc ** 2 - 2 * yc * yp + yp ** 2))) beta = -(((-yc + yp) * (math.sqrt( (xc ** 2 - 2 * xc * xp + xp ** 2) / (xc ** 2 - 2 * xc * xp + xp ** 2 + yc ** 2 - 2 * yc * yp + yp ** 2)))) / ( -xc + xp)) return t, alpha, beta
[docs]def algebraic_circle_fit(point_1, point_2, point_3): """ finds center and radius of a circle that contains three points on its edge :param point_1: :param point_2: :param point_3: :return: """ # Function to find the circle on # which the given three points lie x1 = point_1[0] x2 = point_2[0] x3 = point_3[0] y1 = point_1[1] y2 = point_2[1] y3 = point_3[1] c = (x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2 a = (x2 - x3) ** 2 + (y2 - y3) ** 2 b = (x3 - x1) ** 2 + (y3 - y1) ** 2 s = 2 * (a * b + b * c + c * a) - (a * a + b * b + c * c) xc = (a * (b + c - a) * x1 + b * (c + a - b) * x2 + c * (a + b - c) * x3) / s yc = (a * (b + c - a) * y1 + b * (c + a - b) * y2 + c * (a + b - c) * y3) / s ar = a ** 0.5 br = b ** 0.5 cr = c ** 0.5 radius = ar * br * cr / ((ar + br + cr) * (-ar + br + cr) * (ar - br + cr) * (ar + br - cr)) ** 0.5 return xc, yc, radius
[docs]def fit(x, y, start_point, end_point): """ performs a constrained circle fit based on points around an arc and the start and end points of the arc :param x: :param y: :param start_point: :param end_point: :return: """ point_a, point_p = start_point, end_point # Run Algebraic fit with three points to serve as initial guess # choose random point in list and use start and end points index = random.randint(0, len(x) - 1) random_intermediate_point = (x[index], y[index]) print("intermediate point: " + str(random_intermediate_point)) guess = algebraic_circle_fit(start_point, random_intermediate_point, end_point) print(guess) center_estimate = (guess[0], guess[1]) ti, alphai, betai = center_point_to_t_alpha_beta(center_estimate, point_p) # t, alpha, beta estimate = np.array([ti, alphai, betai]) print("ESTIMATE:" + str(estimate)) cons = [{'type': 'eq', 'fun': constraint}, {'type': 'eq', 'fun': constraint2, 'args': (point_a, point_p)}] # noinspection PyTypeChecker ans = optimize.minimize(fun=f, x0=estimate, args=(x, y, point_a, point_p), constraints=cons) ans = ans.x xc, yc, radius = t_alpha_beta_to_center_radius(ans, point_a, point_p) return xc, yc, radius
[docs]def constraint(ans): """ first constraint for the solver: alpha^2 + beta^2 = 1 :param ans: :return: """ t, alpha, beta = ans return alpha ** 2 + beta ** 2 - 1
[docs]def constraint2(ans, point_a, point_p): """ second constraint for the solver: distance from center to point_a = distance from center to point_p :param ans: :param point_a: :param point_p: :return: """ xc, yc, radius = t_alpha_beta_to_center_radius(ans, point_a, point_p) center = (xc, yc) r_ca = distance(point_a, center) r_cp = distance(point_p, center) return r_ca - r_cp
[docs]def plot_data_and_circle_fit(x, y, xc, yc, radius, start_point, end_point): """plots the results of the circular fit :param x: nparray of all x coordinates of data :param y: nparray of all y coordinates of data :param xc: float of x coordinate of center of fit circle :param yc: float of y coordinate of center of fit circle :param radius: radius of fit circle :param start_point: :param end_point: :return: None """ plt.figure(facecolor='white') plt.axis('equal') # find the initial and final theta that the arc spans start_theta = math.atan2(start_point[1] - yc, start_point[0] - xc) end_theta = math.atan2(end_point[1] - yc, end_point[0] - xc) # theta_fit = np.linspace(start_theta, end_theta, 180) theta_fit = np.linspace(math.pi / 2 - 0.3, math.pi + 0.3, 180) # stores all x and y coordinates along the fitted arc x_fit = xc + radius * np.cos(theta_fit) y_fit = yc + radius * np.sin(theta_fit) # plot least squares circular arc plt.plot(x_fit, y_fit, 'b-', label="fitted circle", lw=2) # plot center plt.plot([xc], [yc], 'bD', mec='y', mew=1) # plot start_point plt.plot([start_point[0]], [start_point[1]], 'rD', mec='y', mew=1) # plot end_point plt.plot([end_point[0]], [end_point[1]], 'rD', mec='y', mew=1) # plot data plt.plot(x, y, 'r.', label='data', mew=1) # plot formatting plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('y') plt.legend(loc='best', labelspacing=0.1) plt.title('Constrained Fit') plt.grid()
[docs]def test1(): # first quadrant x = np.array([0.5, math.sqrt(2) / 2, math.sqrt(3) / 2]) y = np.array([math.sqrt(3) / 2, math.sqrt(2) / 2, 0.5]) start_point = (0, 1) end_point = (1, 0) xc, yc, radius = fit(x, y, start_point, end_point) print("xc: " + str(xc)) print("yc: " + str(yc)) print("radius: " + str(radius)) center = (xc, yc) print("VERIFICATION:") print(distance(center, start_point), distance(center, end_point)) plot_data_and_circle_fit(x, y, xc, yc, radius, start_point, end_point) # show plot
[docs]def test2(): x = np.array([-math.sqrt(3.9) / 2, -math.sqrt(2.1) / 2, -0.55]) y = np.array([0.55, math.sqrt(2.6) / 2, (0.1 + math.sqrt(3)) / 2]) start_point = (-1, 0) end_point = (0, 1) xc, yc, radius = fit(x, y, start_point, end_point) print("xc: " + str(xc)) print("yc: " + str(yc)) print("radius: " + str(radius)) center = (xc, yc) print("VERIFICATION:") print(distance(center, start_point), distance(center, end_point)) plot_data_and_circle_fit(x, y, xc, yc, radius, start_point, end_point) # show plot
if __name__ == '__main__': test2()