Source code for pycellfit.tension_vector

""" A class to define tension vectors in CellFIT"""

import itertools
from math import pi, sin, cos, isclose

from . import edge

[docs]class TensionVector: id_iter = itertools.count() def __init__(self, edge): self._magnitude = 0 self._direction = 0 self._corresponding_edge = edge self._label = next(TensionVector.id_iter) @property def magnitude(self): """ Magnitude of the tension vector :return: magnitude """ return self._magnitude @magnitude.setter def magnitude(self, value): """ Set the magnitude of the tension vector to a value :param value: value of the magnitude that is being set :type value: float :return: None """ self._magnitude = value @property def direction(self, units='rad'): """ returns the direction of the tension vector in radians (or degrees) from the horizontal :param units: units for the direction, either 'rad' or 'deg' :type units: str :raises ValueError: is units is not 'rad' or 'deg :return: direction :rtype: float """ if units == 'rad': return self._direction elif units == 'deg': return self._direction * 180 / pi else: raise ValueError("units should be 'deg' or 'rad'. Your units were {}.".format(units)) @direction.setter def direction(self, value, units='rad'): """ sets the direction of the tension vector with an input of radians (default) or degrees :param value: direction of the vector in radians from the horizontal :type value: float :param units: units for the direction, either 'rad' or 'deg' :type units: str :raises ValueError: is units is not 'rad' or 'deg :return: None """ if units == 'rad': self._direction = value elif units == 'deg': self._direction = value * pi / 180 else: raise ValueError("units should be 'deg' or 'rad'. Your units were {}.".format(units)) @property def corresponding_edge(self): """ The corresponding Edge for this tension vector :return: corresponding edge :rtype: edge.Edge """ return self._corresponding_edge @corresponding_edge.setter def corresponding_edge(self, edge): """ assigns a corresponding Edge for this tension vector :param edge: the corresponding edge for this tension vector :return: None """ if isinstance(edge, edge.Edge): self._corresponding_edge = edge else: raise TypeError('corresponding_edge should be of type Edge. Instead, it was of type {}'.format(type( edge))) @property def label(self): """ returns the label (id number) for this tension vector :return: label :rtype: int """ return self._label @property def x_component(self): """ returns the x-component of the tension vector :return: x-component of the vector :rtype: float """ return self._magnitude * cos(self._direction) @property def y_component(self): """ returns the y-component of the tension vector :return: y-component of the vector :rtype: float """ return self._magnitude * sin(self._direction) def __eq__(self, other): return isclose(self._magnitude, other.magnitude) and isclose(self._direction, other.direction) def __str__(self): return str(self._magnitude) + ' @ ' + str(self._direction) + ' radians' def __hash__(self): return hash(str(self)) def __repr__(self): return repr('TensionVector({})'.format(self._corresponding_edge))