Source code for pycellfit.utils

""" Top-level utility functions for pycellfit module."""

__author__ = "Nilai Vemula"

import os

import PIL.Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from shapely import geometry
from shapely import ops

[docs]def read_segmented_image(file_name, visualize=False): """Displays the segmented image using matplotlib :param file_name: file name of a segmented image in .tif format :type file_name: str :param visualize: if true, then image will be plotted using matplotlib :type visualize: bool :raises TypeError: only accepts tif/tiff files as input :return: array of pixel values :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ extension = os.path.splitext(file_name)[1] if not (extension == '.tif' or extension == '.tiff'): raise TypeError("Invalid File Type. File must be a .tif or .tiff") im = img_array = np.array(im) if visualize: plt.imshow(img_array, cmap='gray', origin='lower', interpolation="nearest") return img_array
[docs]def contains_triple_junction(linestring, list_of_points): """helper function that tells you if a shapely LineString contains a triple junction :param linestring: the LineString of interest :type linestring: shapely.geometry.LineString :param list_of_points: list containing a bunch of points of type :class:`shapely.geometry.Point` :type list_of_points: list :return: if the linestring contains a point in the list_of_points, the first point is returned; else, None. :rtype: shapely.geometry.Point """ # iterates through each point in the list for point in list_of_points: # checks if line string of interest contains the point if linestring.contains(point): return point return None
[docs]def make_segments(cell_boundary, list_of_triple_junctions): """recursive function that splits up a cell boundary based on triple junctions :param cell_boundary: boundary of a cell that needs to be broken up into segments :type cell_boundary: shapely.geometry.LineString :param list_of_triple_junctions: list of all triple junctions (of type :class:`shapely.geometry.Point`) in the mesh :type list_of_triple_junctions: list :return results: list of segments (of type :class:`shapely.geometry.LineString`) that make up the cell boundary :rtype: list """ results = [] triple_junction = contains_triple_junction(cell_boundary, list_of_triple_junctions) if triple_junction: if triple_junction == geometry.Point(list(cell_boundary.coords)[0]): new_boundary = geometry.LineString(list(cell_boundary.coords)[1:]) triple_junction = contains_triple_junction(new_boundary, list_of_triple_junctions) segments = ops.split(cell_boundary, triple_junction).geoms for segment in segments: results += make_segments(segment, list_of_triple_junctions) else: results.append(cell_boundary) return results
[docs]def extract_all_points(dataframe_of_cells, visualize=False): """generate list of all points in mesh :param visualize: boolean to indicate if plot of all points should be made or not :type visualize: bool :param dataframe_of_cells: a dataframe where each row contains a unique cell :type dataframe_of_cells: geopandas dataframe :return: list_of_all_points: list of all points in the mesh :rtype: list """ # make empty np arrays all_points_x = np.empty(1) all_points_y = np.empty(1) # fill np arrays with all x and y points in the boundaries of all cells in the mesh for index, row in dataframe_of_cells.iterrows(): x, y = row['geometry'].boundary.xy x = np.asarray(x) y = np.asarray(y) all_points_x = np.concatenate((all_points_x, x), axis=0) all_points_y = np.concatenate((all_points_y, y), axis=0) # combine x and y points to one np array all_points = np.column_stack((all_points_x, all_points_y)) # removed duplicate points all_points = np.unique(all_points, axis=0) all_x_points = all_points[:, 0].tolist() all_y_points = all_points[:, 1].tolist() list_of_all_points = [] for (x, y) in zip(all_x_points, all_y_points): list_of_all_points.append(geometry.Point(x, y)) if visualize: # Visualize all points xs = [point.x for point in list_of_all_points] ys = [point.y for point in list_of_all_points] plt.scatter(xs, ys) return list_of_all_points
[docs]def locate_triple_junctions(dataframe_of_cells, visualize=False): """generate list of triple junctions in mesh :param visualize: boolean to indicate if plot of all points should be made or not :type visualize: bool :param dataframe_of_cells: a dataframe where each row contains a unique cell :type dataframe_of_cells: geopandas dataframe :return: list_of_tjs: list of all triple junctions in the mesh :rtype: list """ list_of_all_points = extract_all_points(dataframe_of_cells, visualize) nparray = np.empty((len(list_of_all_points), len(dataframe_of_cells.geometry))) for j, cell in enumerate(dataframe_of_cells.geometry): line = geometry.LineString(cell.exterior) for i, point in enumerate(list_of_all_points): nparray[i, j] = (line.contains(point)) num_of_junctions = nparray.sum(axis=1).tolist() df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(list_of_all_points, num_of_junctions)), columns=['Points', 'Number of Junctions']) df = df.assign(is_tj=(df['Number of Junctions'] == 3)) tjs = df.query('is_tj == True') list_of_tjs = tjs.Points.tolist() if visualize: # Visualize all points xs = [point.x for point in list_of_tjs] ys = [point.y for point in list_of_tjs] plt.scatter(xs, ys) return list_of_tjs