Source code for pycellfit.edge

import itertools
import math

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from . import junction
from .circle_fit import fit

[docs]def distance(p1, p2): return math.sqrt(((p1[0] - p2[0]) ** 2) + ((p1[1] - p2[1]) ** 2))
[docs]def collinear(points, epsilon=0.01): """ determine if three points are collinear :param epsilon: :param points: list of 3 point tuples that might be collinear :type points: list of 3 2-member tuples :return: boolean to tell if the points are collinear or not :rtype: bool """ if not isinstance(points, list): raise TypeError("parameter must be of type 'list'") if len(points) != 3: raise ValueError("list of points must have only 3 points") # converts points to a np array that looks like: # | x1 x2 x3 | # | y1 y2 y3 | # | 1 1 1 | matrix = np.array( [[points[0][0], points[1][0], points[2][0]], [points[0][1], points[1][1], points[2][1]], [1, 1, 1]]) # finds area of the triangle formed by the three points by taking the determinant of the matrix above area = 0.5 * abs(np.linalg.det(matrix)) if area < epsilon: return True else: return False
[docs]class Edge: id_iter = itertools.count() def __init__(self, start_node, end_node, intermediate_points, cells): self._start_node = start_node self._end_node = end_node self._radius = 0 self._center = (0, 0) self._intermediate_points = intermediate_points self._mesh_segments = [] self._mesh_points = [] self._junctions = {start_node, end_node} self._cell_label_set = cells self._label = next(Edge.id_iter) self._corresponding_tension_vector = None self.tension_label = 0 self.tension_magnitude = 0 def _get_split_point(self, a, b, dist): """ Returns the point that is <<dist>> length along the line a b. a and b should each be an (x, y) tuple. dist should be an integer or float, not longer than the line a b. """ dx = b[0] - a[0] dy = b[1] - a[1] try: m = dy / dx except ZeroDivisionError: if b[1] > a[1]: return a[0], a[1] + dist elif a[1] > b[1]: return b[0], b[1] + dist else: return a c = a[1] - (m * a[0]) x = a[0] + (dist ** 2 / (1 + m ** 2)) ** 0.5 y = m * x + c # formula has two solutions, so check the value to be returned is # on the line a b. if not (a[0] <= x <= b[0]) and (a[1] <= y <= b[1]): x = a[0] - (dist ** 2 / (1 + m ** 2)) ** 0.5 y = m * x + c return x, y
[docs] def split_line_single(self, line, length): """ Returns two ogr line geometries, one which is the first length <<length>> of <<line>>, and one one which is the remainder. line should be a ogr LineString Geometry. length should be an integer or float. """ line_points = line sub_line = [] while length > 0: d = distance(line_points[0], line_points[1]) if d > length: split_point = self._get_split_point(line_points[0], line_points[1], length) sub_line.append(line_points[0]) sub_line.append(split_point) line_points[0] = split_point break if d == length: sub_line.append(line_points[0]) sub_line.append(line_points[1]) line_points.remove(line_points[0]) break if d < length: sub_line.append(line_points[0]) line_points.remove(line_points[0]) length -= d remainder = [] for point in line_points: remainder.append(point) return sub_line, remainder
[docs] def split_line_multiple(self, length=None, n_pieces=None): """ Splits a ogr wkbLineString into multiple sub-strings, either of a specified <<length>> or a specified <<n_pieces>>. line should be an ogr LineString Geometry Length should be a float or int. n_pieces should be an int. Either length or n_pieces should be specified. Returns a list of ogr wkbLineString Geometries. """ line = self._intermediate_points.copy() if not n_pieces: n_pieces = int(math.ceil(self.length / length)) if not length: length = self.length / float(n_pieces) line_segments = [] remainder = line for i in range(n_pieces - 1): segment, remainder = self.split_line_single(remainder, length) line_segments.append(segment) else: line_segments.append(remainder) self._mesh_segments = line_segments
[docs] def calculate_edge_points(self): for segment in self._mesh_segments: self._mesh_points.append(segment[0]) self._mesh_points.append(self._mesh_segments[-1][-1])
[docs] def outside(self, background): return background in self._cell_label_set
@property def start_node(self): return self._start_node @start_node.setter def start_node(self, node): if isinstance(node, junction.Junction): self._start_node = node else: raise TypeError('node should be of type Junction. Instead, node was of type {}'.format(type(node))) @property def end_node(self): return self._end_node @end_node.setter def end_node(self, node): if isinstance(node, junction.Junction): self._end_node = node else: raise TypeError('node should be of type Junction. Instead, node was of type {}'.format(type(node))) @property def radius(self): return self._radius @radius.setter def radius(self, r): if isinstance(r, (int, float, complex)) and not isinstance(r, bool): self._radius = r else: raise TypeError('radius must be of numeric type. Instead, r was of type {}'.format(type(r))) @property def center(self): return self._center @center.setter def center(self, c): if len(c) == 2: self._center = c else: raise ValueError('center should not exceed length of 2. The length of center coordinates was: {}'.format( len(c))) @property def xc(self): return self._center[0] @property def yc(self): return self._center[1] @property def corresponding_tension_vector(self): return self._corresponding_tension_vector @corresponding_tension_vector.setter def corresponding_tension_vector(self, tension_vector): if isinstance(tension_vector, tension_vector.TensionVector): self._corresponding_tension_vector = tension_vector else: raise TypeError('corresponding_edge should be of type TensionVector. Instead, it was of type {}'.format( type(tension_vector))) @property def length(self): length = 0 for index, point in enumerate(self._intermediate_points): if index < len(self._intermediate_points) - 1: length += distance(point, self._intermediate_points[index + 1]) return length @property def location(self): return self._intermediate_points[int(len(self._intermediate_points) / 2)]
[docs] def plot(self, label=False): x, y = list(zip(*self._intermediate_points)) x = list(x) y = list(y) plt.plot(x, y, color='deepskyblue', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.5) if label: plt.text(self.location[0], self.location[1], str(self._label), color='white', fontsize=3, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center')
[docs] def circle_fit(self): x, y = list(zip(*self._mesh_points)) x = np.asarray(x) y = np.asarray(y) xc, yc, radius = fit(x, y, self.start_node.coordinates, self.end_node.coordinates) = (xc, yc) self.radius = radius
@property def linear(self): for index, point in enumerate(self._mesh_points): if index < len(self._mesh_points) - 3: l = [point, self._mesh_points[index + 1], self._mesh_points[index + 2]] if not collinear(l): return False return True
[docs] def angular_position(self, coordinates): """ given a (x,y) coordinate, the angular position in radians from 0 to 2*pi around the fit circle is returned :param coordinates: :return: """ x, y = coordinates angular_position = math.atan2(y - self.yc, x - self.xc) # y,x # convert to radians between 0 and 2*pi if angular_position > 0: angular_position = angular_position else: angular_position = 2 * math.pi + angular_position return angular_position
@property def cw_around_circle(self): """true if the edge (start_node to end_node) goes clockwise around the fit circle, false if ccw :return: """ start_angular_position = self.angular_position(self.start_node.coordinates) end_angular_position = self.angular_position(self.end_node.coordinates) return start_angular_position > end_angular_position
[docs] def start_tangent_angle(self, method='chord'): if method == 'chord': angle = math.atan2(self.end_node.y - self.start_node.y, self.end_node.x - self.start_node.x) # convert to range of 0 to 2pi if angle < 0: angle += 2 * math.pi return angle if method == 'circular': # circular edges slope_of_tangent_line = (-(self.start_node.x - self.xc)) / (self.start_node.y - self.yc) start_angular_position = self.angular_position(self.start_node.coordinates) angle = math.atan(slope_of_tangent_line) if self.cw_around_circle: if math.pi < start_angular_position < 2 * math.pi: # third and fourth quadrants angle += math.pi else: if math.pi > start_angular_position > 0: # first and second quadrants angle += math.pi # linear edges if self.linear: if self.end_node.x > self.start_node.x: angle = math.atan2(-self.start_node.y + self.end_node.y, -self.start_node.x + self.end_node.x) elif self.end_node.x == self.start_node.x: if self.end_node.y - self.start_node.y > 0: angle = math.pi / 2 else: angle = 3 * math.pi / 2 elif self.end_node.x < self.start_node.x: if self.end_node.y > self.start_node.y: angle = math.pi / 2 + math.atan( (self.start_node.x - self.end_node.x) / (-self.start_node.y + self.end_node.y)) else: angle = math.pi + math.atan( (self.start_node.y - self.end_node.y) / (self.start_node.x - self.end_node.x)) # convert to range of 0 to 2pi if angle < 0: angle += 2 * math.pi return angle
[docs] def end_tangent_angle(self, method='chord'): if method == 'chord': angle = math.atan2(-self.end_node.y + self.start_node.y, -self.end_node.x + self.start_node.x) # convert to range of 0 to 2pi if angle < 0: angle += 2 * math.pi return angle if method == 'circular': slope_of_tangent_line = (-(self.end_node.x - self.xc)) / (self.end_node.y - self.yc) end_angular_position = self.angular_position(self.end_node.coordinates) angle = math.atan(slope_of_tangent_line) if self.cw_around_circle: if math.pi < end_angular_position < 2 * math.pi: # third and fourth quadrants angle += math.pi else: if math.pi > end_angular_position > 0: # first and second quadrants angle += math.pi # convert to range of 0 to 2pi if angle < 0: angle += 2 * math.pi angle -= math.pi # linear edges if self.linear: if self.start_node.x > self.end_node.x: angle = math.atan2(-self.end_node.y + self.start_node.y, -self.end_node.x + self.start_node.x) elif self.start_node.x == self.end_node.x: if self.start_node.y - self.end_node.y > 0: angle = math.pi / 2 else: angle = 3 * math.pi / 2 elif self.start_node.x < self.end_node.x: if self.start_node.y > self.end_node.y: angle = math.pi / 2 + math.atan( (self.end_node.x - self.start_node.x) / (-self.end_node.y + self.start_node.y)) else: angle = math.pi + math.atan( (self.end_node.y - self.start_node.y) / (self.end_node.x - self.start_node.x)) # convert to range of 0 to 2pi if angle < 0: angle += 2 * math.pi return angle
[docs] def map_unit_vectors_to_junctions(self): angle = self.start_tangent_angle() self.start_node.x_unit_vectors_dict[self._label] = math.cos(angle) self.start_node.y_unit_vectors_dict[self._label] = math.sin(angle) angle = self.end_tangent_angle() self.end_node.x_unit_vectors_dict[self._label] = math.cos(angle) self.end_node.y_unit_vectors_dict[self._label] = math.sin(angle)
[docs] def plot_tangent(self, c='y', ): angle = self.start_tangent_angle() plt.plot([self.start_node.x, self.start_node.x + 10 * math.cos(angle)], [self.start_node.y, self.start_node.y + 10 * math.sin( angle)], c=c, lw=0.75) angle = self.end_tangent_angle() plt.plot([self.end_node.x, self.end_node.x + 10 * math.cos(angle)], [self.end_node.y, self.end_node.y + 10 * math.sin( angle)], c=c, lw=0.75) plt.text(self.location[0], self.location[1], str(round(self.tension_magnitude, 2)), color='red', fontsize=3, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center')
[docs] def plot_circle(self): xc, yc = self._center start_point = self.start_node.coordinates mid_point = self._mesh_points[1] end_point = self.end_node.coordinates start_theta = math.atan2(start_point[1] - yc, start_point[0] - xc) end_theta = math.atan2(end_point[1] - yc, end_point[0] - xc) mid_theta = math.atan2(mid_point[1] - yc, mid_point[0] - xc) if start_theta <= mid_theta <= end_theta: theta_fit = np.linspace(start_theta, end_theta, 100) elif start_theta >= mid_theta >= end_theta: theta_fit = np.linspace(end_theta, start_theta, 100) else: if start_theta < 0: start_theta = 2 * math.pi + start_theta if end_theta < 0: end_theta = 2 * math.pi + end_theta if mid_theta < 0: mid_theta = 2 * math.pi + mid_theta theta_fit = np.linspace(start_theta, end_theta, 180) # stores all x and y coordinates along the fitted arc x_fit = xc + self.radius * np.cos(theta_fit) y_fit = yc + self.radius * np.sin(theta_fit) # plot least squares circular arc plt.plot(x_fit, y_fit, 'r-', lw=1)
def __eq__(self, other): return self._junctions == {other.start_node, other.end_node} def __str__(self): return str(self._start_node) + ' to ' + str(self._end_node) def __hash__(self): return hash(str(self))